8th September, 2018


This fortnight, students continued to gain knowledge about the current unit of communication.The highlight was an audio visual on the evolution of communication. They explored how communication systems have changed from past to the present. Later, students reflected by creating a timeline on the evolution of books in their process journals.

As  part of an assessment ,students  did a task sheet, where they had to elucidate  advantages and disadvantages of various communication systems.

Students attended a guest speaker session to reiterate their understanding of different ways to communicate their feelings and ideas.


During their English classes, students attempted to identify appropriate punctuation marks for sentences and practiced punctuation in their process journals. Students enhanced their understanding of words with phonogram sounds – ‘ck’, ‘ick’and ‘ack’.They attempted a task sheet on phonograms where they identified the picture and wrote the words on a flower foldable.

Students read a poem on emotions and shared their perspective on the poem through illustrations.They  were assessed on their spellings through a spelling bee where they also chose 2-3 words from the list to make  sentences.

Students attempted formative assessment on punctuation where they used appropriate punctuation marks at the end of each sentence.


During their Math classes, students  further expanded their understanding  of odd/even numbers through online games and they practiced solving related problems in their journals. They also represented the numbers on an abacus with colour coding.Later they  revisited the concept of place value through a dice activity.Students attempted a summative assessment on the  number system through a task sheet.


During their Hindi lessons, students discussed  ‘संचार के प्राचीन और आधुनिक साधन’ (Communication systems used in the past and present) and watched a video on it (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ay2Qy3wBe8). They watched the story  ‘विचित्र बांसुरीवाला’

(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZ_vtUYDVs8 ). They  identified  new vocabulary from the story and made sentences.




During the music classes the studentsdiscussed how to  communicate their ideas and feelings effectively through instruments. They also wrote songs about how they feel and shared these songs with their classmates




During the ICT classes student-made beautiful posters using Pic Collage on communication. They continued with their work on MS-OneNote and further explored drawing tools. They made freehand illustrations to hone their creative skills.


During dance classes students explored  jazz walk preparations with  feet positions which corresponded to style and technique. Further they concentrated on spotting and demonstration of different techniques used during the dance routine. Students participated in a jazz choreography dance routine too.


Students gained knowledge on elements of “Cubism”. They learnt how to incorporate characteristics of cubism and broke the images into simpler form and shapes to create an abstract work. They also worked on their strokes.


With the belief that there is nothing as powerful as education, the world celebrates Literacy Day every year on September 8.  Students were made aware about the importance of  literacy to individuals, society, and communities  to know their social and individual rights. Literacy is required for  social and personal development.

Physical Education


Students tuned into sport signals and signs which are used on the field. Further, students explored signal indication with flags and hand gestures.


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